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Help shine a new path.

Intergenerational Mentoring Program

When you join our women’s network, you will be connected with a Mother suited to your personal goals and needs. Our program was curated specifically to address the different needs at each stage of women’s lives, spanning in ages from 18 to 80!


We’ve brought together an inspiring group of speakers and professional mentors to educate, empower & inspire dialogue for collective powerful upward movement through engaging events and meetups. Don’t miss out!

Mothers to Daughters welcome all individuals identifying as women to join our cause and vow to womanhood. We are committed to a diverse and inclusive environment in our community. 


The M2D Mentoring Program connects women with mentors for personalized guidance and support in achieving their goals.

M2D hosts workshops on career growth, entrepreneurship, and personal development.


Through M2D's networking events, participants connect with a diverse community of women from different backgrounds and industries

Mother and Daughter

We are a generation of Baby boomers and Generation X on a mission to engage, educate, and empower the younger generation through storytelling and guidance In all aspects of personal and business development. 

We are a generation of Millennials and Generation Z committed to stepping out of our comfort zone to reach out to more experienced women, to learn and get guidance in all aspects of personal and business development.

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