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Why Are Women Reluctant To Bear Children Nowadays

When I first thought of not wanting children, it was probably because of the burden and the responsibility a child brings. They induce copious changes in the mothers’ lives, and if they are highly goal-oriented, it becomes a challenge to take care of any additional humans.

Additionally, the world already has an infinite number of children in need of a roof over their heads, so adoption appears to be a welcome route to take. There are many other reasons women refrain from conceiving. For instance, some daughters fear they won’t be good enough mothers, as their own mothers had difficulties parenting, not wanting to change their bodies. Pregnancy can be physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing. Additionally, there is the fear of passing on genetic illnesses to their offspring. Some examples are mental illnesses such as bipolar disorders and depression, to name a few. Physical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and hypertension are equally fearsome. Some other women do not know how to care for children and do not stand their presence.

Most of them do not want to give up on the freedom they have. For those women, that liberty translates into doing whatever they want, focusing on their careers, and going on trips responsibility-free. This decision stems from the desire to preserve their sense of self and contribute to the environment.

Here is where the concept of spiritual children comes into the picture. Spiritual children are mentees to women who wish to take them under their wings and act as a guiding light. The relationship between them can be strictly professional or can be an amalgamation of professional and personal. I had a mentor when I first moved to Canada, and she helped me settle in, gave me tips to live here, and helped me with my job search. Eventually, I have become that ‘mentor,’ taking care of those younger than me and new to Canada. I help them settle in, act as a counsel, friend, and ensure they have a support system in this new environment.

Similar to professional assistance, mentorship works for relationships as well. And who better people than those mentors when you are going through a rough patch in life?

Friends are good people to rely on, but they do not always have the sought-after knowledge or wisdom that will help you grow. Branching out from your circle can be rewarding. There is no familiarity, and the relationship is off to function upon mutual respect. It could be both professional and relationship-oriented. Some relationship-focused mentors work together with couples and singles to help improve their lives and assist in fixing any issues in their relationships.

Being a mentor means taking care of others. It entails extending a hand to give back what one has mastered to navigate personal and professional hurdles. It could be a set of skills, experience, guidance, knowledge, and wisdom to share with those spiritual children.

Post by Ranak

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